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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

l happen to know a 87yrs old woman who has a very weird hobby, she's educated and because of her growing age her brain is kind of ageing with her, her hobby cost her a bomb and has been giving her familly a real big headache. Well her hobby??? she just simply love to go for car rides, everyday she'll just dress up holding her handbag and just sit and wait, asking the same question whenever a familly member walks toward the door "where are you going" and she will jump into the car as soon as someone gets on the driver seat, regardless of whether she is allowed or not to go along. She'll follow the driver anywhere the car goes. On top of all that she'll go for $20.oo taxi rides if the car don't go out for 2 hours, can you believe it? If there is no ride for the day, she'll complain of a chest pain as though is a heart attack, so that someone in the family will have to bring her to the doctor, and she'll get that car ride. The familly doctor will just give her some vitamins, in actual fact the doctor says she have a heart as good as a 15 yr old kid. At the same time she is very very forgetful, losing her money by the thousands without knowing where is put or whom she gave(this is really a big big problem!) Any of you know someone who has this same kind of weird hobby?


i said...

Yes, heard and know/knew of some old people with some eccentricity and/or senility.

Can only hope and pray that I'll grow old gracefully, minus all that. Then again, one can never tell.

Serena said...

weird o_O... hehe..

Redbabe said...

i know also know one like that... that makes us drive from Penang up to cameron and back down to KL in one day!


hahahaha, never driven so much in a day.

yuenlester said... KL ? ....... are lucky was more like all the way down to Spore !

.......ppppssssttttt......but then a statement in defence for ALL OLD each his own even if it is weird-dess of weird hobbies !