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Friday, November 02, 2007

sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..............daddy is out of town and mommy thinks we are way overweight and fat, so she is feeding us less and only on those 'kibbles' day in and day out, unlike daddy, daddy gave us super yummy food and plenty of them, both me and my sister dollar really look forward to our lunch and we just got to eat what mommy gives us, if we don't eat in 10minute mommy will take it away..... ......see, she is very firm and strict, daddy is different...........(he's nice and loving)he'll say nice things to make us eat, sometimes mommy will scold daddy for spoiling us.
l believed mommy is doing this out of love, because being fat is not healthy and not pretty. well.............l'll doing anything to look pretty, l m a vain pot remember? Lucky for my long fur, my fat doesn't show,....... hahahah


Serena said...

Hahaha.. Looks like Million & Dollar have to wait for their daddy to come back home before they can enjoy life like dogs that have real Million Dollars heheh

Urban Smoothie Read said...

y man are alwiz more generous in giving out food...

my lady also very kedekut wan....


well, pacco, yr lady sayang u mah, dun want u to work so hard for foods, hehehe

traCe said...

huahua...I think Million Dollar mogok a side. We want Papa! We want Papa!

Frasier said...

I hate diets !I am on one now because I am "fat"!!!
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