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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Is my off day today........, woke up late, didn't even cook, stay home whole day except dinner, when to our regular place, not bad at lease is cheap But l must said this, the "lua pan liong" use to be so pretty, but don't know why lately she look terrible, lost a lot of weight and her complexion is not good, wanted to ask her what happen, but...... nah..........not to be "kay poh", instead we have a chat of supplement and vitamins. Well, this is also a topic for all women that l would like to share........all woman should be taking EPO(evening prime rose) when turn 30yrs old, supplement like multivitamin, calcium magnesium with vitamin D(to prevent breast cancer) this are the main vitamin that is a must to keep healthy, more fruits and vegetable less meat. For those who are married and have given birth should add in glucosamine to avoid joint problem. l personally add in fresh juice to be taken everyday with a table spoon of "apple cider vinegar", apple cider vinegar is for detoxification, and promises the cheapest way to retain your youth(it happened to me)believe it or not, no harm trying rite? is cheap why not, haha.... most important of the above all is, exercise, "exercise is the easiest way to look young" said DENISE AUSTIN

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