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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This was a very special Chinese New Year for us, because we celebrated it in Kuala Lumpur for the 1st time, more relexed and Mommy did not have to cook for the whole family, as you all know that Mommy just had her heart surgery and she needs plenty of rest so here we are in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Visiting places, meeting up with friends (spider boy)and family,

Mommy came home and told us all about it, she said it with this touching sentence "It was very memoriable evening with bonding and fun ............"

A big question right, where is Million Dollar??? sad to say that me and my sister Dollar ..........both of us are on 'HEAT'.....sobs......sobs......what a time, sobs ..... missing those "Angpow".

Instead of those beautiful CNY dresses we had to use diapers, and our good friends, 'Rumba and Sunshine' stared at us in dismay as though we are 'Alien' from planet 'Pluto', wait till they are on heat and with diaper.


Redbabe said... cute the little fella up there!

i said...

That sounds like a great time!

Frasier said...

Oh poor babies !!!The diapers will soon go away!

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Glad to hear that your mom had a great time!
Sorry about the diapers! Get rid of them soon, ok?
Kisses and hugs